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How to get your company to growHow to get your company to grow

If you are a business owner and have been running your company for a few years, you may want to expand and grow in the coming year. Being a business owner requires a lot of time and effort. If you need a new angle and ideas to make your business more successful, you need the input of a business development consultant like marc abrams to help you.

Who is a business consultant?bulb

This is a professional who has many years of experience in the business, social and political arena. They have a plethora of knowledge that can help you draw out a plan for your company with the goal of making it grow.

Services offered

A consultant can give you many fresh ideas that you may not have because you are focusing on other areas of your business. Here are some ways they can be of assistance.

Improve your marketing plan

A consultant can help you by developing, new marketing strategies that can include both online and offline methods. You will be able to reach a wider audience and promote your goods or services to a targeted consumer base.

Improve processes

If you want to improve the time it takes to complete a project, a business development consultant can analyze your current operations and draw up a plan that will improve the flow of work so that you can reduce the delivery time for a customer. By doing this, you can accept and handle more orders which in turn will increase your revenues.

Cost reduction

One area that affects the profitability of a company is the operational costs and overheads. However, there are many areas that you can be more efficient in; an experienced consultant will help you reduce cost so that your bottom line will improve.

Staff hiring, training, and retention

meeting roomThe employees of any company are the lifeblood that makes the entire business operate. It is important that you train your staff and make sure they are happy Employees will stay with you longer is they feel they are part of something and a consultant can help by organizing team building exercises and other events that will help you retain your core staff.


In today’s cut-throat business environment, you need to have an edge to stay in front, and you can get the desired results by employing an expert business development consultant to give your business new life.


Fun Ways to Get Your Kid Hooked on GolfFun Ways to Get Your Kid Hooked on Golf

Like most parents, you want your children to be active and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. You may have considered enrolling them in various sports programs, but if your child isn’t interested in traditional team sports, golf may be the perfect alternative. In fact, you can start with a miniature golf set for your young child.  Golf is a great way for kids to get exercise and have fun outdoors. This is especially true if you’re indeed a golfer, as well. But some parents have issues introducing golf to their kids. If you’re sharing the same problem, keep reading. These tips will help get your kids interested in golf.

Start Earlier With a Miniature Golf Set

golf ballAs previously mentioned, miniature golf sets are the perfect starting point for your kids to try out golf. They’re fun and easy to use, allowing kids to taste the game without having to hit balls onto a course. The designs of these sets can also be quite appealing, making it more likely that they’ll enjoy them. The earlier you start your kids with golf, the more they’ll become interested in it and eventually become a golfer.

Teach Them With the Right Age-Appropriate Method

Eventually, you’ll need to teach your kids the right way to play golf, but you have to ensure that your method is age-appropriate. You can find various teaching aids and materials online or in golf retail stores to help you with this. Don’t forget to be patient when introducing new concepts, especially if they’re still learning the basics. It also means that you don’t pressure them too much, especially if they’re still young.

Encourage Them to Make Friends

Kids are more likely to get hooked on golf if they have friends with the same interest. This is why you should encourage them to make friends with other kids on the course, as it will help them become better players in no time. It’s also an excellent opportunity for your child to socialize and make new friends. You can also explore and enjoy different courses, so they won’t get bored with the same scenery and people. This means a lot of potentials to make new friends in different places.

Always Make It Simple and Fun

golf ballBeing too obsessively serious about golf will only push your kids away from the game. Make sure you keep it simple and fun for them, as this will make them more open to learning new skills and techniques. You can also give out rewards and prizes whenever they do something great, like hitting a hole-in-one or getting a birdie. This will motivate them even more and help them understand the game better.

With these tips, you’ll have no problem getting your kids hooked on golf. Start with a miniature set and teach them the basics in an age-appropriate manner. Encourage them to make friends with other kids on the course, and keep it simple and fun. Before you know it, your kids will be passionate about the game and even have a chance to play in tournaments.

goldfish tank

Types of Food for GoldfishTypes of Food for Goldfish

Goldfish food is mainly made of carbohydrates and protein. Unfortunately, goldfish have unique dietary requirements that cannot be obtained from any other food. You should feed your fish with foods that provide them with adequate nutrients.


feeding fishThese are commonly used food for goldfish. The truth is that goldfish like flakes a lot. The good thing about flakes is that they easily float on water and this makes it easy for the fish to catch them before they sink into the water. You can easily get flakes at any particular pet shop.


This is another common goldfish food. It is an easy and quick meal and readily available in a pet shop near you. Pellets are formulated for goldfish to ensure they meet their dietary requirements. You have to ensure that your fish are big enough to eat pellets. Avoid feeding small fish with pellets.

Frozen Foods

Frozen food is the right alternative for conventional food. It is quite similar to live foods, but only frozen or dried. These foods contain a lot of protein. Thus, you should avoid feeding your fish more than 4 times a week with these foods. You should note that these foods are more expensive as compared to live foods. The good thing about frozen foods is that they do not contain diseases in them. Some of the freeze-dried foods include tubifex worms, plankton, Cyclops, daphnia, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and Mysis shrimp.

Live Foods

You can also feed your goldfish with live foods such as snails, tubifex worms, glass worms, and more. These foods are good alternatives to pellets and flakes. They are excellent sources of protein.If you have large goldfish, you can feed it with these foods or small size fish. However, these foods can also contain diseases. Thus, you should ensure you feed your fish only food that does not contain diseases.

Plant Matter

goldfishYou are free to feed your goldfish with live plants. As noted above, goldfish are mainly herbivores in nature. Therefore, they can eat vegetables and flowers in their diets rather than pellets or flakes. In addition to protein foods such as live foods and pellets, you can also feed the fish with plant matter. The foods contain essential nutrients. Remember that goldfish does not have a stomach. Thus, giving them plant matter helps the goldfish digest their food easily and efficiently. Some of the plant foods you should give to your goldfish include frozen peas, frozen zucchini, boiled broccoli, and more.